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The Big Funk Factory

So, after completing the first reformed AM Band album, our eponymous singer embarked on a recreation of a series of demos originally recorded in 1997 with an accompanying script D-roid Portrait of a Serial Singer. This eventually became the first episode of a three-part saga, all featuring a band that kept losing their lead singer, lucky things, Big Funk Factory.

The first story follows the fall and yet more fall of D-roid, a sort of cyborg, sort of prototype genetic creature that can sort of sing but can't dance. It tries to make its way through a very late 90's music industry where its inability to dance does give it a bit of a disadvantage. Later on, D-roid attempts to

hunt down its nemesis, Dweeb Droid.

The Second Album, D-Funkt, also seen under the name Transaction Declined, attempts to follow Dweeb's story, D-roid’s sarcastic and pseudo-cool nemesis. The final album then deals with the forlorn experience of a pompous 80's hasbeen AWM and the rest, well that’s just autobiography....

Watch, Enjoy, Listen to The Big Funk Factory

The Official Website

The cast! The story! The funkiest band in town! You can find out the bits, bobs, and other big facts about the Big Funk Factory through the official website. It’s not just hasbeens and D-roid and Dweeb Droid, there’s a whole world to discover!

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