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Andy Wood Mitchell

& Other Projects

Andy Wood Mitchell & Other Projects

In addition to the many albums that form the basis of his discography, Andy has had to earn a living and he's done this by assaulting various styles of music under a few guises. Andy and the Big Funk pretty much does what it says on the tin.

Apart from a few seasonal classics being mucked about with his own inimitable carefree way, he’s also written a Six Song Suite based on Christmas charity and the like in the charity album He Ain’t Heavy. Check it out HERE

Andy also recorded some moderately faithful, at least as far the band is concerned, versions of some rock classics in Rocks Off including ‘Comfortably Numb.’ He has also finally decided to write, perform, and record under his own name in an album sort of forced on him during that strange period called Lockdown which became the soundtrack to one of his no-expense spent attempts in filmmaking The Horticulturalist.

This also resulted in the album entitled Merlin’s Bones.

Andy Wood Mitchell

Andy & the Big Funk

Big Funk Blues Band

Rocks Off


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